Chris Maene’s collection of historical pianos

One of the items on my to do list was to give a trip to the Museum at Pianos Maene in Brussels. You can find some information here, but in brief, Chris Maene, in addition to designing, building and selling pianos, also collects antique pianos and harpsichords. Out of a collection of about 100, 25 are on display in a museum at the premises of Maene Pianos in Brussels near Gare du Midi. I like collections of musical instruments and he has accumulated some interesting things. The museum spans almost 400 years of keyboard instruments and bearing in mind that there are three times as many instruments in storage as there are on display, I can only assume this is very much a labour of love.

The oldest instrument on display dates from 1632. If I understand the information video correctly, it’s one of just 4 linked with a leading harpsichord builder from the area and it floated in and out of documentation during the course of about 200 years.

Chris Maene Piano Collection
This is an interesting instrument, not least because work was done on it about 200 years ago as well.

There is a mixture of pianos on display, some grands, some vertical grands, early uprights, some square pianos. I’m not sure what I found most interesting to be honest – one of the things that startles me generally is how ornate pianos could be. Like this:

Chris Maene Piano Collection


Chris Maene Piano Collection
Chris Maene Piano Collection

There was a really unusual to me Pleyel with a double keyboard

Chris Maene Piano Collection

Of the grands, I rather liked this one:

Chris Maene Piano Collection

This is one of the square pianos I think

Chris Maene Piano Collection
Chris Maene Piano Collection

And there was a player piano of an efficient construction:

Chris Maene Piano Collection

The museum is well worth visiting. If you are interested in musical instruments, this and the MIM collection are worth some of your time. MIM also sells a lot of music gifts. Maene sells pianos which are somewhat less portable.